Friday, September 19, 2008

Pictures From Around Mussoorie


An unidentified mountain on the coast of Greenland. It was the clearest picture I could through the plane window.
Taken by Chris Thomas in July, 2008.


The picture is of the bright sunshine on the right side and the dark rainclouds on the left.
Taken by Chris Thomas in September, 2008.


I meant to take a picture of the sunset, but the camera ended up focusing on the leaves instead.
Taken by Chris Thomas in September, 2008.


This picture expresses inner confusion and turmoil.
Taken by Chris Thomas at 10:00AM on September 20th, 2008.


A close up of a flower along the eyebrow.

Taken by Chris Thomas at 3:00PM on September 12, 2008.

Enthusiastic members of the Woodstock Photo Club sneaking in at the kitchen gate.

Behind the Fence--Sonam

Life behind the fence--at boarding school.


The first picture on the Woodstock Photo Blog (taken by Mr. Seefeldt).


This is Atriav, Eri, Mrs. Mann and Hangil on our hike over Activity Week 2006.
Taken by Chris Thomas